Basic Strokes
The Flam at 60 BPM
(x,y) coordinates defined through positions via relative minimum and maximum values of an anatomical marker in the resultant vector.
Start of the Flam (Right Hand):
Tap Stroke
Minimum 1
Max 1 (b)
Minimum 1 (b)
Full Stroke
Minimum 1 (b)
Max 2
Min 2
The range of minimum 1 is plus or minus .7 centimeters through the frames of 331-376. The x value for the position of minimum one is analyzed at frame 376 with a displacement of -2.0277455 cm. For the max 1 (b), the x value is 415 at a displacement of -1.4462825 cm. For minimum 1 (b), the x value is 433 with a displacement of -1.9793063 cm. For maximum 2, the x value is 548 with a displacement of 2.8684455 cm. For minimum 2, the x value is 586 with a displacement of -2.8883905 cm.
There are a few peculiarities with the development of a reduced function for the flam at 60 bpm. For the first part of the selected frames, the flam rudiment is in the tap stroke portion of the basic stroke sequence, frames 331-433. For the frames 331-376, the radius in the resultant vector has minimal movement as compared to the remainder of the trail with a range of about .7 centimeters. Once the tap stroke is initiated, the radius marker moves in a sinusoidal pattern with a frame count of (376-433) 57. The amplitude of this movement is about .5572434 cm. At the maximum value of this specific domain (x=367-433) at frame 415, the frame rate of the sinusoidal wave is halved from 39 frames (376-415) to 18 frames (415-433).
The second portion of the flam rudiment is in the basic stroke sequence of full stroke. From the positions of minimum 1 (b) to max 2, there is a sinusoidal movement combined with a linear movement; resulting in an equation of a sin x + n x (where a is the amplitude of the wave and n is the slope of the function). This, a sin x = n x, function has a domain from frame 433 to frame 548. From the frames 548 to 586, the function represented is the second half of a sine function; which is a sine function with a specific domain.
While this analysis leads to a piecewise defined function, the information detailed in the reduction lends to a method of analysis that can be used across the entire trial date of 4.23.16; the entire series of snare drum trials; and the entire trial which includes drumset, dancing, and guitar.