Snare Drum Pedagogy
This page is dedicated to the rudimetary snare drum practice. From the grip, to the basic strokes; the rudiments are the basis of this presentation of concepts and ideas relating to the mastery of snare drumming.
Full Stroke Exercise
The full stroke is an exercise that explores the full range of motion per limb. Ideally, the stroke starts in rest position; moves to the up position, and returns to the rest position with as little grip tension as possible. This allows for the stick to rebound while the wrist are in rest position. The full stroke may be integrated into all of the rudiments when the tempo is slow and the dynamics are near maximum volume.
An analysis of the full stroke can be found here: Full Stroke
Down Stroke Exercise
The down stroke incorporates some ideas of the full stroke; the difference lies in the grip tension after the stick reaches the head of the drum. Directly after the stick hits the drum, the grip is tightened in order to stop the stick near rest position.
An analysis of the down stroke can be found here: Down Stroke